Sitemap - 2023 - Collapse Life

January is off to a cracking start

Five ways to get healthier in 2024

I wonder if I might crave your momentary indulgence...

Notes from the edge of civilization: Dec. 24, 2023

Our end of year clip show

Happy yule, y'all

The skinny on fat phobia

Notes from the edge of civilization: Dec. 17, 2023

“Try not to buy shit that’s gonna break in the first place.” Christmas shopping advice from a right to repair advocate

Have you met The Moment™?

'The Great Taking' is a roadmap to the inevitable economic collapse

Notes from the edge of civilization (late edition): Dec. 10, 2023

The power of being different

America's giant debt hole

A climate conference like no other

Notes from the edge of civilization: Dec. 3, 2023

Our broken medical system, and how to fix it

With winter blackouts looming, why aren't we investing in our grid?

Examining the word of the year: 'authentic'

Notes from the edge of civilization: Nov. 26, 2023

A former sustainability advisor explains what really underpins the green movement

So much to be grateful for

Putting the 'thanks' back in Thanksgiving

How would you score on YouTube's 7-question medical misinformation quiz?

YouTube removed our podcast with Dr. Meryl Nass! Watch it on Rumble instead.

Dr. Meryl Nass on what she has learned after decades as a medical freedom fighter

It's not easy (or cheap) being green

Skeptics of the world, unite!

Notes from the edge of civilization: Nov. 12, 2023

Financial analyst and author John Rubino on how we can prepare for the coming currency crisis

Your bank is not your friend

What happened to 'Canada the Good'?

Notes from the edge of civilization: Nov. 5, 2023

"Canada is gripped by a woke ideology"

Be wary of the battle against 'greenwashing'

Notes from the edge of civilization: Oct. 29, 2023

Debt is the dirtiest four-letter word: An interview with Peter Grandich

Money. For nothin’.

Why price controls are a very bad idea

Notes from the edge of civilization: Oct. 22, 2023

Why we need to exit the W.H.O.

The World Health Organization doesn't care about your health

From ancient Greece to corporate boardrooms: A brief history of propaganda

Notes from the edge of civilization: Oct. 15, 2023

Recognizing the signs of societal collapse

Are we on the road to Abilene?

Notes from the edge of civilization: Oct. 8, 2023

Citizen journalism and the right to free speech

The trouble with "conspiracy theorists"

Notes from the edge of civilization: Oct. 1, 2023

No jab? No problem. Let 'em eat mRNA!

Ill winds: Why green power is not such a breeze

Notes from the edge of civilization: Sep. 24, 2023

From social media challenges to mass formation

Shed power, not pounds: Making chocolate cake while civilization crumbles

Notes from the edge of civilization: Sep. 17, 2023

It's just a big power play

“We've gotta stop them, somehow!”

Notes from the edge of civilization: Sep. 10, 2023

There is no utopia that comes after collapse

Notes from the edge of civilization: Sep. 2, 2023

Why you should be concerned about last week’s BRICS meeting

Coming soon