
Yup, great as always.

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I like autonomous cars. Here's why.

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Totally agree that self-driving cars aren't the only way your car can spy on you. That's why we prefer analog cars: https://collapselife.substack.com/p/the-endless-freedom-of-the-open-road

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Mar 21Liked by Collapse Life

Like every bloody thing going on lately EVs and autonomous driving are about control over our thinking and actions. They know if they keep it up long enough that in short order these things will be woven into the fabric of society and become the new normal. That is why, if you haven’t noticed, none of it is going away no matter what we say.

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I disagree that it is about control of us or enslavement.

With the abolition of slavery, they found out something really important. Slaves were a bad investment. You had to pay to provide for them, maintain them, and keep them from running away.

When they moved to sharecropping, all those costs were eliminated. They did the work but the sharecroppers were on their own for maintenance. They got a fixed portion of the profit that may or may not sustain them. Who cares? Some natural disaster ruins the crops? They were still on the hook for the costs so that would eliminate part of the losses for landowners.

It had all the perks of slavery without the overhead.

Look at automated call answering. They couldn't care less if it actually does what it is supposed to do. They just don't have to pay someone to actually sit at the phone. It is even cheaper than offshoring to the undeveloped world. Dropped calls, multiple instances of, "I didn't get that, please listen to the menu carefully as the options have changed." , endless loops of menus. Do you really think that the system for automated transportation will be any better?

With automation, whether robotic systems like driver-less cars, they don't care about the effectiveness or suitability. They just are concerned about creating a revenue stream and minimizing their costs. They don't care if it gets you where you want to go and when you want to get there. They are not concerned about your safety or comfort beyond limiting their liabilities. Rest assured, there will be some click through agreement that insulates them when you order the car to come get you.

They don't want slaves, they want sharecroppers.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Let's revisit this theory after they implant a chip in everyone's brain. Then it won't matter what you call it. You'll vote they way you're 'supposed' to, you'll think what you're 'supposed' to, you'll buy what you're 'supposed' to, and you'll share what you're 'supposed' to -- call it what you want, but the control grid will be all encompassing and inescapable save for a stubborn few who live entirely outside the paradigm. Maybe.

Mr. Musk has a lock on many of the enslavement technologies, including the brain chips and Skynet, among many others. He -- along with his fanbois and the utopian techno-collectivists -- has effectively rendered every place on earth a prison. There is no way to escape the digital panopitcon -- soon neither your body, your mind, nor even your bug out location will be a refuge.

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Mar 21Liked by Collapse Life

They see all status quo institutions as a pebble in their Birkenstocks. Whites, Males, Christianity, Nuclear Family, Suburbs, Automobiles, Police, Freedom, Liberty, Personal Sovereignty. All forms of Independence must die to make way for a technocratic world run by experts who double as high priests for the religion of technology. All 75 year-olds euthanized because living longer needlessly places a burden on the young. An orderly super race beholden to the state thus proving the adage, Hitler lent a bad name to a lot of great ideas. Welcome to the logical destiny of Operation Paperclip.

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A powerful article, may more people wake up to the realities of what is happening, thank you

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