Jun 3Liked by Collapse Life

So castration makes you live longer? The male hormone testosterone has many anti-aging properties I heard. Keeps men lean and fit, but looks like that's a threat to some who fear real masculinity. Men today have been feminized by plastic toxins and propaganda. The media amplifies the problem and schools also. It seems the pendulum has shifted and now men are supposed to be weaker, non-aggressive, passive followers. It fits the twisted narrative that we should all comply and not fight back. We are under attack by globalists trying to weaken us, nullify our curiosity, our individuality, our empathy and our memories. Michel Nehls describes it well in The Indoctrinated Brain and this interview with Mike Adams


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deletedJun 2Liked by Collapse Life
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Jun 3Liked by Collapse Life

I literally wrote the same comment before I saw yours. Amazing it didn't happen sooner, frankly.

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