Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Collapse Life

Very good post and use of the auctioneer allegory.

I've been trying to explain this strategy to people for several years now, especially where the radical agendas (proxies for regime policies) are concerned.

It's a very old playbook, that's been refined and proven over centuries - and we never see it, each and every time they use it.

As with your auctioneer, they usually will propose, discuss or model the outrageous or extreme. There will be the expected and requisite backlash and then they will go about the methodical business of reintroducing (usually through media, entertainment and backroom legislation) a seemingly watered down version of the initial radical proposal.

Over time, they will finally surpass their original proposal and achieve the larger goal, that was always the true, hidden and unspoken target.

Look at any radical agenda you see today and you can retrace these steps. The lgbtqFU agenda is a prime example, but so is the climate crisis scam. Everyone scoffed at the crazy cow farts AOC pontificated about - but less that 4 years later, there was legislation on the books of states to outlaw "fossil fuel" cars by set date. Like wise, the obiden climate agenda was built on the "green new deal" and surpassed it, in almost every way. Now you may say, "well the EVs and green energy thing is failing" and sure you'd be right. However, the damage has been done (economies, businesses, retirement investments, etc.) and it ushered in hundreds of spin off agendas/initiatives, that quietly gained footholds and funding.

Their action always have synergy - whether it's creating multiple fronts of destabilization/destruction or numerous incubators for new fronts of destabilization/destruction - they always are more than they seem to be at fist glance.

The masses, wallowing in their netflix, doordash, media/entertainment stupors never notice - until the gavel strikes and it's time to pay the piper.

Everything they've done - that's been paid for with your time, money, freedoms, liberties or life - was able to be done, because of incrementalism.

We must learn to be smarter and more observant, in this fight.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Spot on, as always.

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There is no better example of this then what governments have done to cigarette smokers. ( I don't give a shit if you agree or not)

It started with can you please move to the smoking section

Umm, I mean please go to the special vented room

umm, no smoking indoors at all, please use the balcony

umm no smoking on the balcony, please stand on the sidewalk

no smoking on the sidewalk, just that designated area 5000 yards away

Anyone that smokes knows this pattern of Incrementalism well. We recognize this pattern in many other things.

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Excellent, thank you for this , as its hiding in plain site. I see this happening with the erosion of using cash, the payments for healthcare (UK) and the use of QR codes, for example….All slippery slope stuff.

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Aug 6Liked by Collapse Life

I woke up when the censorship started regarding Covid. I see the tiny steps, and it's frightening. All the people around me are oblivious to it, or they know something is off but go into denial because they don't want to believe it. I'm so lonely sometimes watching it all unfold one step at a time, wondering what the next step will be.

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