Jun 12Liked by Collapse Life

Is this part of the reason why we are not allowed to grow our own food???

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Jun 11Liked by Collapse Life

Ukraine's military is crumbling and the quantity of territory they control in East Ukraine is shrinking. Because of this U.S. tactic of allowing or even perpetrating military strikes inside Russia, Russia may step up their plan to crush Ukraine's military once and for all and put Zelensky and his cronies on the run. If that doesn't stop the U.S. and NATO from escalating, then I can see a Russian nuclear strike(s) in the not too distant future starting with Germany or Poland or even France. The U.S. knows Ukraine has lost this war but refuses to stop supporting it despite the immense damage and loss of life. Peace negotiations should be instituted immediately to avoid an even larger catastrophe. What a bunch of dangerous idiotic fools we have in D.C.!

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Jun 11Liked by Collapse Life

What they were planning in 2016 is coming to fruition. Yippee-ki-yay MF, the elites are making up for lost time on making lots of blood money.

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Jun 11Liked by Collapse Life

USA oks bombing Russian land: Russian fleet now sailing into western hemisphere.

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Jun 11Liked by Collapse Life

Yeah the fearmongering is ramping up, similar to the covid debacle; a new terror to shut down your hippocampus, your critical thinking and common sense. Take away your rights, freedoms, to further the insult, then give us the punch line... It's for your own good. To keep you safe. Inevitable. No way out, except to obey and accept the tyranny.

Sound familiar?

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To be mentally prepared for the possibility of war is important. More important is to oppose the warmongering 💓

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We can oppose it, but it is likely still going to happen. We pray every day for saner heads to prevail. But remember what Gerald Celente says: "when all else fails they take you to war."

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Sadly , I think you and Gerald are correct, it’s still worth working /praying for peace .

Also for bringing this to peoples attention 🙏🏻then more can survive.

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